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Today we can say that one of the things without which our world would be very different today, if it didn’t exist is the press. Significance lies in the faster and easier transfer of information that was the key to starting educating a lot of people, and we can say that today, those who have important information are in
some way rich.
It all started with the ancient Egyptians, so probably almost everything started with them, they discovered papyrus material, on which one they could write and ink was used for recording. Later, the paper was discovered by the Chinese and it was improved over the years. For a long time, messages were written by hand, which was extremely slow and expensive, so books were a rarity and only the rich could afford them. With the increasing demand for faster and easier transmission of the same messages in more examples, the development of printing techniques occurs.
The first recorded attempt to print was when messages were engraved on wooden boards, then paint was applied and so it was copied on paper – an extremely slow process. After the fall of the Roman Empire, interest in the press and education declined, books were only copied at monasteries and one of the most important and oldest is Miroslav’s Gospel. Another equally important monument is Dušan’s Code.
The greatest progress in history was made by Johann Gutenberg with his invention. He is responsible for the creation of moving letters that turned into new messages faster and easier. After that discovery, printing took place in such a way that the content was transferred from one flat plate to another, which would be a technique of letterpress printing. Due to the shortcomings of this way of printing, printing on rotary machines began which we use today.